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GAMA Welcomes ICAO’s Adoption of 2050 Net-Zero Carbon Goal

GAMA NEWS 22-49 For Immediate Release: Oct 7, 2022

Oct 7, 2022
Contact: Andre Castro


GAMA Welcomes ICAO’s Adoption of 2050 Net-Zero Carbon Goal

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) commended the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 41st Assembly for adopting a long-term goal of net-zero carbon emissions for international flights by 2050. 

“We commend the ICAO Assembly for its prioritization of carbon emission-reduction goals and standards. Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is an ambitious goal which the aviation industry can reach through strong partnerships with governments and regulators to help accelerate the production, distribution and use of SAF as well as investments in research, development and deployment projects to advance technology and facilitate operational improvements.  General and business aviation manufacturers are committed to working with ICAO to reach our net-zero goal as outlined in the Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change and to support the future of our industry and its societal and economic benefits,” said Pete Bunce, GAMA President and CEO.

The ICAO goal of net-zero carbon emissions for international flights by 2050 aligns international aviation with the Paris Agreement. The draft resolution text which was adopted by the ICAO Assembly can be found HERE.

The Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (BACCC) was originally announced in 2009 and through comprehensive technical coordination was renewed and strengthened in 2021 to include a pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The commitment which requires strong partnerships with government and other stakeholders, is centered around new and ongoing technological advancements, sustainable fuels, infrastructure and operational improvements, and global market-based measures. 




GAMA is an international trade association representing over 100 of the world's leading manufacturers of general aviation airplanes and rotorcraft, engines, avionics, components and related services. GAMA's members also operate repair stations, fixed based operations, pilot and maintenance training facilities and manage fleets of aircraft. For more information, visit GAMA's website at


Communications Director:
Andre Castro:
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Headquarters: (+1) 202-393-1500
European Office: (+32) 2 550-3900

GAMA exists to foster and advance the general welfare, safety, interests, and activities of the global business and general aviation industry. This includes promoting a better understanding of general aviation manufacturing, maintenance, repair, and overhaul and the important role these industry segments play in economic growth and opportunity, and in serving the critical transportation needs of communities, companies, and individuals worldwide.