WHAT: Technical Policy Committee (TPC) Meeting
WHEN: Start - Monday, December 11, 2023 @ 1:00pm
End - Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 4:00pm
WHERE: 655 New York Ave NW, West Penthouse Conference Center
Washington, DC 20001
RSVP: Please complete the meeting registration form to attend:
The proposed TPC meeting schedule is provided to facilitate your travel planning. In addition, the Avionics & Electronic Systems Subcommittee (AVI) will meet immediately following on December 13-14.
Dec 11 12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch (optional)
1:00pm - 5:30pm Joint TPC/FAA Meeting Session
6:30pm - 8:30pm Reception & Dinner (optional)
Dec 12 8:00am - 12:00pm TPC Meeting Session
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 4:00pm TPC Meeting Session with EASA Guest Speaker
A primary focus of the TPC meeting will be the status of certification and validation activities to include discussion on an initial framework for performance mesasures/metrics which were actions out of the last meeting. This includes industry collection of validation metrics which will be discussed at this week's CMT meeting and the development of FAA certification performance measures/metrics currently in development which considers certification program milestones and accountability to Project Specific Certification Plans (PSCPs). The FAA Reauthorization bills continue in Congress so key issues or concerns will be discussed to engage accordingly. There is particular interest in ideas to address FAA workforce and training to ensure the resources and technical capabilities necessary to support certificaiton and validation activities. In addition, we will discuss the GAMA position/strategy for significant rulemaking and policy activities to include SMS, human factors, and incorporating safety enhancing technologies and a broad range of pilot/aircraft interfaces to include reduced crew operations & autonomy. This includes priority activities of the TPC subcommitteess on avionics, small airplane, rotorcraft, and completions.
Please provide any proposed agenda topics or specific topics of intererest to Walter Desrosier (wdesrosier@gama.aero), Joe Sambiase (jsambiase@gama.aero) or Kyle Martin (kmartin@gama.aero).