
Updated 5/7 1000

Thank you for participating in GAMA’s 2024 Hill Day and advocating on behalf of the general aviation manufacturing industry. Our central focus is on the pending Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization which makes your involvement all the more critical.

We strongly encourage you to review the enclosed information that is intended to prepare you to educate policymakers. In every meeting, we encourage your team to highlight your geographic presence and connection to states/districts via the GAMA State Data Sheets. While the information provided is intended to guide discussion with Members of Congress, we encourage you to be prepared with first-hand examples to illustrate topics that are applicable to your company.

Meeting Prep Materials

General Meeting Suggestions, Maps & Reception Invite

2024 Hill Day Talking Point Cards

Background Materials 

Hill Day Speaker Overview

GAMA Hill Day 2024 – Leave Behind 

Congressional Bios

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK)

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS)

Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-KS)

Rep. Tracey Mann (R-KS)

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA)

Rep. Andrea Salinas (D-OR)

State Data Sheets




