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GAMA Applauds Release of General Aviation Security Working Group Study

GAMA NEWS 03-30 For Immediate Release: Nov 17, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC, November 17, 2003 – The Aviation Security Advisory Committee’s (ASAC) General Aviation Airport Security Working Group, co-chaired by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), today released its final report on GA security recommendations to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The goal of the ASAC Working Group was to develop guidelines for security at the nation’s general aviation airports.

“This report reflects a consensus achieved among the extremely diverse general aviation community. We will work with TSA to see that this information is distributed to state government aviation agencies, airport operators and businesses as they consider appropriate ways to enhance security measures already in place at general aviation airports,” said GAMA President and CEO Ed Bolen.

The study reviewed all general aviation airport security actions taken to date by the government and industry. Key findings of the report include reviewing security recommendations for pilots and passengers, securing aircraft, airports and facilities, surveillance, security plans and communications, and specialty operations. The report also makes recommendations to the federal government for credentialing, security response procedures, reward programs, and federal funds for hangar construction.

Communications Director:
Andre Castro:
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Headquarters: (+1) 202-393-1500
European Office: (+32) 2 550-3900

GAMA exists to foster and advance the general welfare, safety, interests, and activities of the global business and general aviation industry. This includes promoting a better understanding of general aviation manufacturing, maintenance, repair, and overhaul and the important role these industry segments play in economic growth and opportunity, and in serving the critical transportation needs of communities, companies, and individuals worldwide.