2023 Annual Data

The overall 2023 general aviation shipments and billings, when compared to 2022, saw increases for all aircraft segments in shipments and preliminary aircraft deliveries were valued at $28.3 billion, an increase of 3.3%. Note: This billing figure was updated in March 2024 with final data.

Airplane shipments in 2023, when compared to 2022, saw piston airplane deliveries increase 11.8%, with 1,682 units; turboprop airplane deliveries increase 9.6%, with 638 units; and business jet deliveries increase to 730 units from 712. The value of airplane deliveries for 2023 was $23.4 billion, an increase of 2.2%.

Piston helicopter deliveries for 2023, when compared to 2022, saw an increase of 7.7%, with 209 units; and civil-commercial turbine helicopter increase 9.9%, with 811 units.  The value of helicopter deliveries for 2023 was $4.9 billion, an increase of approximately 9.0%. Note: The helicopter data was updated in March 2024 with final data.

**Archive of GAMA Annual Reports and Statistical Databooks for 1973 through 2019 available HERE

2023 Market Overview and Historical Data

The Excel files provided here will be updated with 2023 data following release of the final industry delivery report during spring 2024.

GAMA gathers aircraft shipment data from 39 manufacturers. The report also contains detailed aircraft registry data from 47 countries, representing the vast majority of the market for general aviation aircraft deliveries.

Chapter 1: General Aviation Shipments and Billings 
1.1 – GA Airplane Shipments (1994 – 2023) and Helicopter Shipments (2012-2023) by Type Worldwide (Airplane Shipments 1994-2023 and Helicopter Shipments 2012-2023; 2024-07-08)
1.2 – Airplane Shipments Shipments by Delivery Region and Type of Airplane Manufactured Worldwide (Airplane Shipments by Delivery Region and Type 2007-2023; 2024-02-20)
1.3 – Shipments by Manufacturer Make and Model:

1.4 – U.S. Manufactured GA Airplane Shipments by Type, 1947 – 2023 (US Airplanes by Type and Total Billings; 1947-2023; 2024-06-11)
1.5 – U.S. Manufactured GA Airplane Billings by Type, 2000 – 2023 (Coming Soon)
1.6 – U.S. Manufactured GA Airplane Exports by Type and Billings, 2000 – 2023 (Coming Soon)
1.7 – European-Manufactured GA Airplane Shipments by Type,  2008 – 2023 (Coming Soon)
Chapter 2: Canada and U.S. General Aviation Fleet, Flight Activity and Forecast
2.1 – Canada—Registered Aircraft by Type and Weight Group, 1983-2021 (1983-2021; 2022-07-18)

2.2 – Active U.S. GA & On-Demand Part 135 Aircraft by Primary Use and Aircraft Type (2020 Coming Soon)
2.3 – U.S. GA &On-Demand Part 135 Total Hours Flown by Use and Aircraft Type (Coming Soon)
2.4 – Active U.S. GA & On-Demand Part 135 Aircraft by Type and Forecast (Coming Soon)
2.5 – U.S. GA & On-Demand Part 135 Estimated Hours Flown by Type and Forecast (Coming Soon)
2.6 – Active U.S. GA & On-Demand FAR Part 135 Average Hours Flown Per Aircraft by Year (Coming Soon)
2.7 – U.S. Experimental Aircraft Fleet and Flight Hours (Coming Soon)
2.8 – U.S. GA Fuel Consumption (Coming Soon)
2.9 – Average Age of Registered U.S. GA Fleet (Coming Soon)
2.10 – U.S. GA Operations at FAA & Contract Towers, & En Route & TRACON Facilities (Coming Soon)

Chapter 3: European Fleet Data (Coming Soon)
3.0 – EU Fleet Overview Data – Select Countries in Standardised Survey Format for 2019-2020
3.1 – Austria: Number of Aircraft by Type (2018-2020 Austria)
3.2 – Belgium (2018-2021 Belgium; 2022-02-14)
3.3 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.4 – Bulgaria
3.5 – Croatia (2018-2021 Croatia; 2022-03-05)
3.6 – Cyprus
3.7 – Czech Republic
3.8 – Denmark
3.9 – Estonia (2018-2021 Estonia; 2022-02-14)
3.10 – Finland
3.11 – France
3.12 – Georgia
3.13 – Germany
3.14 – Guernsey
3.15 – Greece
3.16 – Hungary (2018-2021 Hungary; 2022-02-14)
3.17 – Iceland (2018-2021 Iceland; 2022-03-05)
3.18 – Ireland (2018-2021 Republic of Ireland; 2022-03-05)
3.19 – Isle of Man (2019-2021 Isle of Man; 2022-03-05)
3.20 – Italy: Number of General Aviation Aircraft by Type
3.21 – Latvia (2018-2021 Latvia; 2022-02-14)
3.22 – Lithuania
3.23 – Liechtenstein
3.24 – Luxembourg (2018-2021 Luxembourg; 2022-02-14)
3.25 – Malta: Number of General Aviation Aircraft by Type
3.26 – Republic of Moldova
3.27 – Montenegro: Number of General Aviation Aircraft by Type
3.28 – The Netherlands
3.29 – Republic of North Macedonia
3.30 – Norway
3.31 – Poland
3.32 – Portugal
3.33 – Romania: Number of Aircraft by Type
3.34 – Republic of Serbia
3.35 – Slovakia
3.36 – Slovenia
3.37 – Spain
3.38 – Sweden: Number of Aircraft by Weight (2015 Sweden; 2022-02-07)
3.39 – Switzerland: (2018-2021 Switzerland; 2022-03-05)
3.40 – Ukraine: Number of Aircraft by Type (2015 Ukraine; 2022-02-07)
3.41 – United Kingdom: Number of Aircraft by Type
Chapter 4: Select Other Aircraft Fleet Data
4.1 – Australia: Number of General Aviation and Regional Aircraft by Category (Coming Soon)
4.2 – Brazil: Number of Aircraft Registrations by Type (Coming Soon)
4.3 – China: Number of Aircraft by Type (2012-2013)
4.4 – Japan: Number of Aircraft by Type (1997-2020; 2022-07-18)
4.5 – New Zealand: Number of Aircraft by Type (1933-2021; 2022-07-18)
4.6 – Singapore: Number of Aircraft by Type (Coming Soon)
4.7 – South Africa: Number of Registered by Type and Certification (Coming Soon)
4.8 – South Korea: Number of Registered by Type (Coming Soon)

  • Source Data: Japan Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT)
  • Source Data: Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (CAA NZ)
Chapter 5: U.S. Pilot and Airmen Certificate Statistics (Coming Soon)
5.1 – Active FAA Certificated Pilots
5.2 – Active FAA Certificated Pilots and Flight Instructors by State and Region
5.3 – Active FAA Pilot Certificates Held by Category and Age Group of Holder
5.4 – Average Age of Active FAA Pilots by Category
5.5 – FAA Pilot Certificates Issued by Category
5.6 – FAA Non-Pilot Certificates

Chapter 6: Airports and Aeronautical Facilities
6.1 – European Airports by Country (2013-2019 European Airports In Excel)
6.2 – U.S. Civil and Joint Use Airports (2010-2020 Airports by State and Territory In Excel)
6.3 – U.S. Airports Ranked by Number of General Aviation Operations at Tower (2018; 2019; 2020)
6.4 – U.S. Airports by Type (1995-2016 Airports by Type in Excel)

Chapter 7: Safety and Accident Statistics
7.1 – U.S. GA Accidents, Fatal Accidents, and Fatalities (1938-2019 (Preliminary) in Excel)
7.2 – U.S. On-Demand FAR Part 135 Accidents, Fatal Accidents, and Fatalities (1987-2019 (Preliminary) in Excel)

7.3 – European Union Aviation Accidents (Coming Soon)